An American Abroad

Kuala Lumpur: Payphones

Mobile phones are rapidly making the payphones of Kuala Lumpur obsolescent. They look lonely now. In five days of walking the city, I never once saw one being used. Their days are numbered. They stand stoically on the streets waiting to be ripped off their moorings and sent to the scrapyard. And so before they are gone for good, I made it my mission to photograph every one I saw and then to reinterpret them as the vital instruments they once were.

2014-06-04 22.47.39e1

2014-06-04 22.38.41e1

2014-06-03 23.37.24e1

2014-06-04 00.23.34e1

2014-06-04 00.05.57e1

2014-06-03 22.38.36e1

2014-06-03 23.34.53e1

2014-06-03 22.35.42e1

2014-06-03 21.34.22e1

2014-06-03 21.33.49e2

2014-06-03 21.19.45e1

2014-06-03 21.17.50e1

2014-06-01 23.38.35e1


  1. Lori Seubert says

    ARTful! Love it! I particularly dig the textures in your first photograph, the lighting in #9, and the strong lines in #10.

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