An American Abroad

Starting the Goodbyes

I have just one more month left of teaching here in China at Shane English Yuxi. I’ve already begun the process of handing off my students to other teachers. Today was my last class with some eight-year-olds I have grown very fond of. I wish them all well.

2014-05-30 21.30.38e

2014-05-30 21.08.11e

2014-05-30 21.08.06e

2014-05-30 21.07.57e

2014-05-30 21.07.54e

2014-05-30 21.07.48e

2014-05-30 21.07.37e

2014-05-30 21.07.31e

2014-05-30 21.07.28e

2014-05-30 21.07.24e

2014-05-30 21.07.20e

I’ve been assisted by a wonderful TA, Angela, who really deserves most the the credit for getting these kids up to snuff.

2014-05-30 21.08.18e


  1. Mary Cole says

    Bittersweet and I am sure that they will miss you! Good luck with your next adventure, Jim.

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