An American Abroad

The Y-Chromosome Café

This is a sidewalk café across the street from AMIDEAST Sousse. Notice anything about the clientele?


They all have Y-chromosomes.

Where are the women? The uneasy feeling I get looking at this reminds me of how I used to get creeped out in Indiana, wondering what they had done with all the black people.

It’s not that Tunisian women are forbidden to go to street cafés. It’s more that they are kept away from such places by culture and habit.

I have seen a few — a very few — women at sidewalk cafés. There are a fair number of women at my favorite café, but it’s not outside on the street. I also see women going shopping, working in shops and stores, and going from place to place. But they don’t hang out at streetside cafés. Are there public places that aren’t quite as visible where women congregate? I don’t know yet.


  1. haha,
    let me give you my 2 cents (i it how you say in US?) :
    what woman would want to go in an all man café ? but seriously, beleive or not, but those café are for men to run away from their women, and to talk about unemployement without shame…
    Women go to cafés as well, but we call them Salon de thé (absolutly no difference except that men and women go there…),
    the 100% men café is an institution like the Hamam for men for exemple.

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