An American Abroad

Yuxi At Night

I took these photos between 10:00 and 11:00 on various nights over the last month. At that hour, many shops and street vendors are still open, but preparing to shut for the night. All photos can be enlarged by clicking on them.
2013-08-19 10.49.42
2013-08-13 10.56.48
2013-08-19 10.40.57
2013-08-19 10.56.13
2013-08-13 11.07.08
2013-08-19 10.47.05
2008-08-11 15.45.33
2013-08-19 10.52.43


  1. Michele Hannon says

    Wow! Terrific photos!

  2. Karen Hess says

    What province are you in? There is YuXi outside of Shanghai, but I wouldn’t have expected Muslims that far east. Just curious.

  3. Toni Burger says

    Great pictures Jim.

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